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The mission of Avenue of Life is to mobilize our community to equip and empower low-income indivi...
Help fight hunger! Join us at the West Missions Center to prepare and pack up our weekend Backpac...
The JVS mission is to engage, encourage and empower refugees and immigrants through a variety of ...
Construction Ministry
The mission of Lazarus Ministries KC is to offer unlimited compassion while providing for the unm...
The RPOR Drop-In Center is a safe, non-judgmental place for prostituted women from all background...
Serve Saturday
Join us as we grow together in our mission to develop cultural awareness and acceptance for all o...
Help us get West ready for the holidays! We need volunteers to help paint a room and hallway, ens...
The mission of Mercy and Truth Healthcare Ministry is to provide healthcare to the uninsured and ...
The Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) is a winter family-friendly walk to raise awareness for loca...